The Magic Porridge Pot
A multi-sensory performance for children in KS1, EYFS and SEND specialist settings
Speech Bubbles
Drama for communication, confidence and wellbeing
The Speech Bubbles initiative uses story, play and drama with children in KS1 to develop their speaking, listening and attention skills while supporting their social and emotional development. It also enhances the skills of school staff to run creative group work. We offer Speech Bubbles to schools within the Manchester local authority area. Our project partner North West Drama offer the programme to schools in Salford, Stockport, Trafford and Tameside.
Speech Bubbles is currently taking place in 42 schools in London and Greater Manchester, with over 800 children telling stories and acting them out every week. Launched by London Bubble Theatre in 2009, Peoplescape Theatre, North West Drama, M6 Theatre and Oldham Theatre Workshop have been working together to deliver Speech Bubbles across Greater Manchester since 2013.