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MOving Stories

Developing Dance and Drama across the curriculum in Lewisham SEND Schools and Resource Bases. Funded by the The Paul Hamlyn Teacher Development Fund


Moving Stories is a two year project working with all of the primary SEND schools and two resource bases in Lewisham. Artists from Peoplescape Theatre and Trinity Laban are working together to explore how dance and drama for learning can be combined in SEND settings. They are working alongside teachers and their classes to develop new ways of exploring a variety of themes.


This new experimental practice is being planned by the teacher and artists together and trialed with the children. Children taking part in the project are developing their confidence and communication skills through dance and drama.


Practice is being shared at regular CPDL sessions where all artists and teachers working on the project come together to reflect on the work. Teachers are developing skills and confidence to deliver learning through dance and drama. This will lead to the  development of new whole school approaches and arts based curriculum. Evaluation of the project will reflect on how this new practice can be embedded in whole school planning.


Peroplescape Theatre is a registered Charity. Charity Number: 1202250                       All content © Peoplescape Theatre 2024

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